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I. INFORMACIÓN GENERAL En cumplimiento con el deber de información dispuesto en la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y el Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE) de 11 de julio, se facilitan a continuación los siguientes datos de información general de este sitio web: La titularidad de este sitio web,, (en adelante, Sitio Web) la ostenta: GRUPO HISPALENSE AGRICOLA SL, con CIF: B41697897, y cuyos datos de contacto son: Domicilio social: Carretera Sevilla Madrid km 524, Camino de la Pastora s/n, 41410 Carmona (Sevilla) Email: This email address is being...

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Privacy Policy We take respect for the privacy and protection of the personal data of our users very seriously. Below we explain how we collect the data and the treatment we carry out on them. Data of the controller Business name: GRUPO HISPALENSE AGRICOLA SL CIF: B41697897 Registered office: Carretera Sevilla Madrid km 524, Camino de la Pastora s/n, 41410 Carmona (Sevilla) Telephone: +34 619 768 443 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applicable regulations This Privacy Policy has been designed in accordance...

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Legal warning Data In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following is the identification data of the entity. Social denomination: GRUPO HISPALENSE AGRICOLA SL CIF: B41697897 Registered office: Carretera Sevilla Madrid km 524, Camino de la Pastora s/n, 41410 Carmona (Sevilla) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone: +34 619 768 443 Intellectual property The information and content; Thus, graphic designs, images, photographs...

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Cookies policy Cookies A cookie is a file that is sent in order to request permission to be stored on a computer. By accepting this file, the cookie is created, which then serves to have information regarding web traffic, and facilitate future visits. Another function that cookies have is that with them the web can recognize you individually and therefore provide you with the best personalized service. Our website uses cookies to identify the pages that are visited and their frequency. This information is used only for statistical analysis and then the information is permanently removed....

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